How to Use Reddit to Find Content Ideas Readers Will Love

If you rely on content to grow your business, you’ll likely need a lot of it to succeed. For instance, market research shows that blogs that publish at least 2 times per week get the best results in traffic and conversions.

However, depending on your niche, you might need to publish far more content to stay competitive and keep your audience’s attention. And coming up with that much content can feel overwhelming.

Fortunately, there are many places online that can help inspire your next blog post or video. Reddit is one such place. It’s among the most active social networks globally, with over 100,000 communities, known as subreddits or subs, and 52 million daily users.

With these numbers, there’s a very good chance your niche’s audience is active on this platform and discussing topics that you can use for your content. You can follow these tips here to help you get started on your search for ideas on Reddit.

5 Ways to Get Content Ideas on Reddit

1. Use Reddit’s Search Box

Reddit has a search feature that lets users look for subreddits and posts related to the terms they’ve inputted.

For instance, searching for “footwear” can get you subreddits like r/sneakers, r/streetwear, or r/malefashionadvice. It gives you an idea of where your audience will most likely be active and where you’ll probably find posts related to your niche.

To save you time scouring all of Reddit’s search results, you can also find posts inside one community.

Let’s say you’re looking for news or discussions about Nike shoes in r/malefashionadvice. You can enter the subreddit and type it in the search bar. You’ll have the option to see results from only the aforementioned sub instead of being forced to scroll through photos of other people’s sneakers in other subs.

There are filters available if you want to check posts by the number of upvotes, comments, or submission time period.

If you want to search for subreddits specifically, Reddit also has a page for that.

Learn how to harness the power of social news on Reddit, and bring more traffic to your website.

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2. Check the Popular Posts

When you enter a subreddit, the first thing you typically see in the feed are the trending posts from the past few days. Scrolling through them can help you discover what kind of content works best with the audience there. 

What topics get upvotes, comments, or awards?

Are images or videos popular? 

Do the Redditors in that sub respond well to serious posts, humor, or a mix of both?

Suppose you’re running an NBA or basketball-related blog. One of the first subreddits you’ll probably check is the r/nba sub. Many of the trending posts are of video highlights from the latest games, news with image previews, or game scores in table format. It’s a sign that the users — who likely share the same interests with your audience — are more visuals-oriented and focused on recent happenings.

So instead of simply writing about an up-and-coming NBA player, you could also create a video or an infographic of their progress. The visuals would give your content a better chance of getting noticed by the audience.

3. Read the Comments

Besides reading a post’s main text, you might want to check out the comments section too. 

Reddit had around two billion comments in 2020 alone, and chances are many of them contain deep insights, strong opinions, or just amusing responses to topics related to your niche.

This cyclist’s post, for example, was about her struggles with cycling while pregnant. As it was an uncommon topic in their subreddit, it garnered interest from other users and got over 200 comments. 

Many fellow cyclists shared their experiences or gave tips on how to cope with the pregnancy. A bicycle shop or blog could create content around this particular subject. They could advise expecting mothers who might want to ride a bike or write about popular female cyclists who also rode while pregnant.

4. Search for Questions

Niche subreddits can also be a place for people to ask for help, especially when they have difficulty finding or understanding answers elsewhere.

For example, Redditors struggling with computer programming might request tips in r/learnprogramming.

Those working towards financial stability may go to r/financialindependence.

Unfortunately, not all questions get noticed, much less answered properly, especially when it’s in a busy subreddit.

Your next piece of content could be the answers to these questions. For instance, you could make a detailed article for one question or compile all your answers in one piece. 

Creating a new and reliable information source can help establish yourself as an expert in your niche or industry. However, you might want to make sure the questions haven’t been answered before. Redditors may ignore questions that get posted repeated on the sub.

5. Explore Other Subreddits

There might be times when you’ve exhausted all content ideas in your niche’s subreddits. You might have to wait a while for other users to make new posts before you can search again there. When this happens, you can still visit other seemingly unrelated subs. They might also contain topics that you could use.

For instance, r/askreddit and r/advice have thousands of users asking questions or giving advice every day. You can search for questions there like you would in your own niche sub.

Meanwhile, Redditors on r/todayilearned usually post trivia that many people don’t know about. You could make content about obscure facts that your audience might not know about your niche or product.

Do keep in mind that these subs touch a wide variety of subjects and are often a mix of humorous and serious posts. You’ll have to use the search bar and filters to weed out the irrelevant ones.


Indeed, Reddit is a great place for getting content ideas and staying updated on the latest trends in your niche. But don’t forget to give credit to the Redditors who helped you indirectly. Sharing your post or actually thanking the user can get you noticed on the platform and boost your marketing efforts.

You might also want to work with experienced content writers to help you create blog posts for your new ideas. They’ll help you plan out your new piece and save you time from having to write it yourself.

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MyBlogDealer's got you covered.

How to Go Viral on Reddit

Reddit is one of the top most visited websites in the US with over 430 million active monthly users worldwide. It is a social news aggregator, web content rating, and discussion website, where users share links and post content regularly.

How many people use reddit?

Reddit's mass appeal among Internet users makes it fertile ground for shrewd marketers to go viral, bringing tremendous amounts of traffic to their content.

You can help your posts achieve Reddit fame by using the following tips. 

5 Tips for Getting a Viral Post on Reddit

1. Choose Your Subreddit Wisely

Reddit currently has over 130,000 active niche forums or subreddits denoted by "/r/".  Whatever your niche is, chances are, it's got a "sub."

To get started, make sure you're posting in communities relevant to your niche. The users there will likely show more interest in your content than if you posted elsewhere.

For example, say that a health guru creates a low-carb bread recipe. Besides subs like r/cooking or r/baking, they could also go to subs such as r/keto, r/recipes, r/nutrition, or r/healthyfood. 

However, picking the biggest related subs won't always guarantee success. The more subscribers and posts on the sub, the higher your post's chances of getting swamped by other content. What you'll want to do is find niche subreddits that have large and active enough followings to help you go viral but small enough that your post won't go unnoticed. 

Reddit's search engine can help look for related subreddits. But you can also use sites like Redditlist, Subbed, or Metrics for Reddit, which feature the platform's more active subreddits.

They also categorize subreddits into interests like music, lifestyle, or technology, though you can also type in specific terms in the search bar to narrow your options. 

2. Make Your Post Valuable

Just like when you're marketing anywhere else, you'll want to make sure you're posting quality content on Reddit. Something funny, informative, or just purely interesting will typically garner more upvotes and comments from users.

Check out other posts that have gone viral in your niche subreddit or subs.

What are some of the sub's popular topics at the moment? 

It would be difficult to go viral if people aren't likely to be interested in your subject. 

Though it can depend on your niche, a post can also become famous if you relate it to current events.

For instance, popular Reddit topics in 2020 included coronavirus lockdowns. To help other people exercise while stuck indoors, a fitness influencer created a home workout routine that went viral in his community. 

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3. Pick a Time for Posting

The first few hours after posting is critical to going viral on Reddit. If the post doesn't get that much traction during this period, it won't have a good chance of becoming popular.

However, you can give your post the best chance at success by posting right before or during the sub's peak hours. The more active people there are, the more likely your post will get noticed and upvoted.

Subreddits display the total follower count and the people currently active regardless of whether they're subscribed or not. You can study these first before posting anything.

If you're using web browsers, you can find the sub's peak hours by checking the "About Community" part of the webpage. On the mobile app, the numbers appear right below the subreddit's title header.

Generally speaking, Reddit is most active on Mondays and weekend mornings. But keep in mind that subreddits can still have different peak hours. If you plan on posting in multiple subreddits, you may have to do so at various times of the day. 

4. Be An Active Redditor

The more comments and upvotes your post has, the closer it gets to the subreddit's front page. The posts with the most engagements can get featured on a Redditor's home feed.

You'll want to make sure that your post is constantly active, and one way to do this is by responding to the comments you get. Doing so can lead to further discussions in the comments section, thus generating even more upvotes. 

However, do still be careful with your voice on Reddit. Redditors value authenticity, which means that they'll prefer if you talk to them as a fellow human, not as a business.

If someone complains about an issue with your product or service, show that you sympathize with them and honestly say that you'll work on a solution. Using terms like "The team and I" can make you appear more approachable since you're talking to Redditors on a personal level. 

Furthermore, being active on Reddit before making viral posts can help bring success.

Your Reddit profile shows how much karma you have, which indicates how much value you've given back to the community.

People can also usually view your post and comment history. Being on Reddit for a while and accumulating a considerable karma count can help people associate your name with viral, quality content.

5. Abide by the Content Rules

One key to going viral is not to get your posts removed. Besides Reddit's general content policy, subreddits also have their own posting rules. Moderators can take your posts down if they don't comply, and Redditors can report you for spamming, which then leads to banning. 

For instance, r/architecture lets you post content from your website or other affiliated sites but discourages you from doing this exclusively. Meanwhile, r/productivity only lets you share links from your blog or website if other Redditors ask for them.

Some subreddits outright forbid any self-promotional content. If you're unsure whether your post will count as spam, don't hesitate to clarify matters with the subreddit's moderators. 


Going viral on Reddit isn't just a matter of luck. It's also about creating something valuable, engaging with your audience, and picking a proper place and time to post. But even with these pointers in mind, marketing to Redditors can still be challenging. If you have problems with promoting your brand on Reddit, a digital marketing consultant can help plan and roll out an optimal strategy. 

How to Go Viral on Medium

As of 2020, Medium reportedly generated over 90 million monthly pages views and had over 20,000 new blog posts published every day.

While most of these posts fell flat, many were wildly successful, generating tens of thousands of pageviews, claps, shares and traffic within hours.

In other word, they went viral.

As a blogger or content creator, having your blog post go viral is always a big achievement. It validates your effort, bringing widespread attention for your content and tons of revenue from advertisers and direct sales.

Unfortunately, most who go viral on Medium have little to no clue how they did it much less how to duplicate their success.

That's because their is no secret formula for how to go viral on Medium or any other platform for that matter.

There are many variables that factor into the virality of a piece of written content, including timing of the post, its quality, subject matter, platforms it was shared on—the list goes on and on. Even after doing a deep data analysis, it can be hard to pin down what elements lead to a viral post.


There are still some definite ways to increase the likelihood of your post going viral on Medium. Incorporating these tactics into your content creation process will result in more success. Let's have a look.

Take a Cue From Others

Medium makes it easy to get a blog up and running, but that doesn’t mean you'll come up with winning content each time. There is still work you must carry out to uncover the platform's hidden potential to promote your content.

Whenever you come across pieces that have gone viral, note the qualities that made them stand out. If you don’t take the time to observe and research, you may have to resort to trial and error each time before you discover what sticks. 

There is nothing wrong with asking people for help. Aside from seeing for yourself what kind of stories capture readers’ interest, consider reaching out to successful Medium writers for advice. Questions present opportunities for you to learn something new. Don’t be afraid to seek feedback and suggestions on your draft. Even the most proficient writers will benefit from an outside perspective.  

Go for What Gives Value to Readers

As you go over your blog post, ask yourself what you want to offer your readers.

Is reading your piece time well spent?

Is your content useful, inspiring, or relatable?

Reflecting on these questions is a good starting point when looking for ways to attract your audience. The kinds of blog post that can go viral quickly are those that people feel would be too wonderful not to share with friends.

However, you don’t have to limit yourself to publishing uplifting stories. You can do a bit of searching on Medium and see what’s missing.

You don’t always have to go with the mainstream either. It’s fine to express your views and opinions if you believe people will find them valuable. Sometimes, taking a different stance helps you achieve distinction.

Grab Attention With Your Headline

If writing a great headline isn’t exactly your strongest suit, then think about putting in more time and effort to come up with good ideas.

What often works best are short and captivating titles. Regardless of how well-written your content is, you won't get your message across to your audience if you can’t persuade people to click on your article.  

If using as few words as possible to convey your message's bare essence doesn’t come naturally, you can check out the top Medium stories to observe what they have in common. You might notice that the titles are often to-the-point and how-tos.

It’s worth investing more time into composing your headline if it means improving your article’s clickability.

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Pay Attention to Formatting

If you're already familiar with several blogging platforms, you may notice Medium formatting is not something you typically see anywhere else.

While the story editor seems basic enough, you will discover that most high-quality articles maximize images, H2s, and quotes. These are what make Medium content more readable and shareable.  

When you make certain sections of your story pop out, readers who resonate with them are more apt to share those parts on social media. Navigating through your article also becomes less tedious.

The combination of high-quality content, clever headlines, and good formatting is what will make your readers stay on your page and share your article.

Seek the Right Publication

An essential step in viral content marketing is finding Medium publications that are a good fit for your stories. There are many publications with a considerable number of followers who subscribe to their newsletters, and reaching these people can help you trend on the platform. 

Sometimes, publications pick content that they believe is fairly good, while other times, writers themselves have to take the initiative and submit articles. Either way, if a reputable publication picks up your story, you increase your chances of going viral and reaching those interested in your content.

You may have to face the reality that publications do not readily post every submission they receive. Persistence is key if publication owners don’t reply to you. Be sure you reach out to them via email and social media before deciding to give up. Don’t get discouraged from submitting to as many publications as possible if you are confident that your story is worth sharing.

Make the Most of Your First Hour

How your readers respond within the first 60 seconds of publishing your story will usually give you a general idea of how it will fare in the next hours.

If you get about a hundred recommendations in the first hour, it’s almost certain that you’ll go viral. During this time, Medium also determines whether to recommend and promote your story. Keep in mind that the platform checks whether people read your article and not merely recommended it.  

If you already have an existing follower base on Medium, you can leverage this to obtain recommendations in the first hour without much effort. Otherwise, do whatever it takes to share your content, such as asking help from friends, posting on social media, messaging your email list, and other creative ways. 


Another way to fast track your success on Medium and publish more winning content, is to learn directly from an expert with a proven track record on the platform. 

Here are some of the best online courses for learning how to go viral with Medium.

Top 5 Blog Formats That Lead to More Traffic & Sales

Content creation continues to be one of the most important aspects of digital marketing. Nearly 80 percent of companies today have it as part of their marketing strategy.

However, when you're creating written content, keep in mind that some formats are more consistent in generating traffic than others.

Let's take a look at these and how you can implement them in your brand's strategy. 

Top Blog Formats for Driving Website Traffic & Sales Conversions

1. Listicles

It's often been criticized by writing purists as a dumbed-down version of journalism only meant to get clicks, but it's hard to deny that listicles are effective, getting twice as much traffic and shares as other blog formats.

A listicle is essentially an article with a list about the subject and additional details written about every list item. This style makes the information easier to digest because each point is already highlighted for the reader. If they want to go to a certain part, the subheadings help speed up their search. 

Listicles typically have blunt and attention-grabbing titles such as "5 Fast & Free Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website" or 10 Ways to Get Subscribers to a New Blog (Without Spending a Dime on Ads) and the like. It lets the audience know just what kind of article they're getting into by title alone. 

Listicles are also popular among marketers because they can work in nearly every niche.

For instance, a bodybuilding trainer can make a listicle about their low-calorie meal recipes for building muscle. Meanwhile, an animal shelter's listicle could be about the behavioral issues adopters might face when owning rescue dogs. You can supplement your lists with images to make your content more appealing to visual-oriented audiences. 

2. How-To Posts

How-to articles are guides for readers who want to know how to do something step-by-step. 

They're another popular writing format in marketing because they can generate as many shares and traffic as listicles do. How-to posts can also generate traffic long after being published since people often keep coming back for the instructions they offer.

As with list posts, many niches can also use how-to articles. For example, a gardening expert might make a guide on growing a particular plant in urban settings. 

Although you may already be intimately familiar with the topic, you still ought to cite references such as studies or articles from valid sources. A credible and comprehensible how-to guide is more likable for readers and makes them more likely to search for more tips on your site. 

You'll also want to outline the process first so that your instructions will be more organized. 

Moreover, it would help to consider who you're writing for.

Are you making the how-to article with younger audience in mind? 

If so, you should consider simplifying your vocabulary to make your content more understandable to young readers. 

3. Data-Driven Article / Case Study

Does your target audience value data when making decisions?

A case study is a self-promotional analysis that shows how something—be it your product, service, strategy, and so on—brought significant results for you or a customer.

Presenting legitimately gathered data helps drive traffic and generate leads as the target audience will find your content, brand, and product more credible. Case studies can even lead to a 185 percent sales increase

Case studies need to be structured for readers to comprehend your data easily. It should present your case's goals, challenges, methodology, and results clearly.

Graphs, charts, and other images also help make your case study more visually attractive and less boring. 

Marketers usually make case studies in PDF formats to be downloaded on websites or in email marketing campaigns. However, you can build a dedicated web page and display a link on your homepage with a call-to-action to make it easier for visitors to find. You may also share it on other platforms that you use, such as social media, for more visibility. 

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4. Product Reviews

Reviews convince consumers more than advertisements do.

Reviews affect the purchasing decision for 95 percent of customers, while 93 percent determine a brand's quality based on reviews. More than 50 percent will likely visit your website if they read a good review about you. 

If you want to drive more relevant site traffic and attract customers, then you should feature reviews in your content.

For instance, you can make a blog post featuring and tagging a niche social media influencer that made a product video review. Since they share niches, your target audience will likely recognize the influencer and read or watch your content. This can also convince the visitor to buy your products too. 

You can also show customer feedback from more famous review sites to boost your credibility. A hotel restaurant website could feature TripAdvisor and Yelp reviews, while a software developer could highlight testimonials from Capterra. 

Don't be afraid of getting negative feedback.

Deleting bad reviews or even making fake positive ratings only makes your brand more suspicious to consumers. Instead, you can respond to criticisms accordingly and improve from your mistakes.

Good customer service builds a good reputation, making people more curious about your business and visit your website. 

5. Success Stories

Another way to generate more traffic is by turning a case study into a customer's success story.

Suppose an application developer made a study for a successful app they sold to a client. The story could reveal that the client was nearly bankrupt and the app saved their business. 

Instead of just providing cold facts, success stories entertain and create an emotional connection with the audience.

The narrative makes them sympathetic and interested in your brand's values and services, thus bringing more people to your website. Of course, you'll need to interview a willing customer first so that you'll know the story of how they found you and how you helped them. 


Consistently writing blog posts is no easy task, but you can remove some of the guesswork and make the writing process a lot simpler by choosing the top most successful formats for your blog post.

Experiment with writing each type to see which ones are the easiest to complete or give you the best results for your brand. 

You could also hire an expert to help you write well-formatted, highly engaging blog posts that get more traffic, more shares, and more sales.

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Publishing on Medium

If you’re looking to publish your work on Medium, or on any other blogging platform for that matter, you can’t expect to immediately work out the winning formula for attracting your target audience. However, you can become aware of things to avoid if you want to improve your chances of success. 

Medium is unlike many other blogging platforms out there. Advertising is not allowed, and there is an emphasis on a story’s readability rather than the author’s popularity. Although anyone can share any knowledge or idea that doesn’t violate any of Medium’s rules, a piece has to be compelling enough to get featured around the site. If you're already using Medium, but it hasn't been as helpful in driving traffic as you hoped it would be, then perhaps it’s time to check if you have been making the following mistakes.

5 Mistakes That Could Hinder Your Success on Medium

Mistake #1. Not Adding Value to Readers

Medium doesn’t exactly focus on views or visits. It rewards content for its quality and on whether people have actually read the piece. No matter how many followers you have, your audience won’t stick around if you can’t offer something of value. When people read blog posts on Medium, they expect to learn something, discover an entertaining story, or know about an experience they could identify with. Readers don’t really pay much attention to your background as a writer, your endorsements, nor your fame. 

Becoming successful on Medium requires effort and commitment because you need to think of ways to deliver value constantly. Some of the most practical posts you can share include guides, how-tos, and checklists. Of course, you can publish pretty much anything that you believe is quality content and would benefit your blog post or business. As long as you write your pieces well and make it a point to offer value to your readers each time, then it’s almost impossible to go wrong. 

Mistake #2. Not Posting Often Enough

Although publishing consistently does not guarantee you’ll get the results you want, it certainly helps. There are no hard and fast rules regarding the frequency of posts, but you should base the schedule on your ability to deliver and what your audience wants. 

Ultimately, readers should come first, and it may take a bit of research and assistance from data analysis tools to determine how users respond to the interval of time between posts. While some look forward to daily updates, others may prefer weekly posts. Generally, the kind of content you publish affects how often readers might wish to see your work. Try your best to post a minimum of once every week to ensure your audience won’t give up on you and go to other publications.      

Keep in mind that you will likely need to adjust the schedule later on to accommodate your needs and those of your audience. Observe how changes in the frequency impact your stats. Don’t forget that regular posting may not be worthwhile if you can’t create good content consistently. Quality pieces will keep working for you and continue to drive traffic even if they are already in your archive. At the end of the day, aim to be realistic and find a balance between publishing often and bringing engaging information. 

"Smart people learn from their mistakes. But the real sharp ones learn from the mistakes of others."  — Brandon Mull, Author.                                  

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Mistake #3. Not Attracting Attention to Your Profile

Posting stories is not the be-all and end-all in Medium. You may earn views and followers after you publish, but there is little chance you’ll go far if you are not proactive in making people notice you. Additionally, if you submit to publications, make sure you choose one that caters to your audience. This way, you could gain the exposure your blog or business needs.

An essential part of getting attention and building an audience on Medium is to engage with your readers. A few ways to do this is to leave insightful comments on good stories, respond to readers’ responses, and follow people you like. If readers comment or recommend your story, do the courtesy of following them back to pique their curiosity and perhaps check out your profile. Keeping them engaged while they are still interested in your content is one of the surest ways to connect with your audience.

Mistake #4. Focusing on Followers 

Unlike other social platforms, Medium doesn’t stress on a writer’s follower base. A large following doesn’t necessarily translate to a wide readership. The great thing about Medium is that you can have a few followers and still be compensated adequately. You can reap the benefits if you build loyalty and a strong relationship with followers who read only your work. 

Nevertheless, a huge following can be an advantage if it helps your story become viral. There’s nothing wrong with coming up with ways to gain followers. However, you shouldn’t lose sight of your goal of creating unique, relatable content that makes readers keep coming back for more and encourages them to spread the word about you. Again, everything comes down to delivering value and earning your readers' trust.

Mistake #5. Not Using the Right Tags

Adding tags is a vital part of optimizing your Medium story and improving visibility. If you want to make it easier for readers to discover your work, use tags relevant to your content. Consider going for high-volume tags because readers on Medium tend to follow bigger topics they are interested in, rather than targeted ones. Moreover, popular tags can boost your search engine ranking because a search engine crawl recognizes tags when visiting your post. There’s a whole new audience base waiting for you if you add high-volume tags in your story.

By maximizing the five tags that Medium allows you to use, you can attract different audiences and bring your content in front of more people who might want to respond to your piece. Again, remember not to sacrifice relevance for popularity. Don’t betray your readers’ trust by using a tag that doesn’t describe your story accurately. Take note that you can achieve a top writer status if you post often and have good traffic to your tag story that uses the same tag. 

Publishing your content and building an audience on Medium may not be as simple as you think. Regardless, your hard work can pay off if you share great stories and connect with people you might not reach on other platforms otherwise.  

Learn how to use Medium to publish viral blog posts and drive more traffic to your website. 

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5 Fast & Free Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website

Creating more website traffic is a goal shared by many online marketers. It helps spread their brand to more people and bring in more customers. And if you're on a tight marketing budget, you might want to try a few cost-saving tactics to bring more visitors to your website. Take a look at a few free methods you can use to generate meaningful site traffic. 

5 Ways to Generate More Website Traffic for Free

1. Create Valuable Content

Content creation is a leading priority in digital marketing today, as the quality of your website's content affects how people view your brand. If you want to be known as an industry leader, you can make relevant and timely content for your market. People will more likely share them with others, further bringing more visitors to your site. 

As much as possible, try not to rehash topics and information that your audience probably already knows about. Instead, you can narrow your focus on areas in your field that you can provide deeper insights on. It helps your content stand out and be more memorable to people who haven't encountered anything like it yet. For instance, a mountain bike shop marketing their tires could give tips on rare tire combinations that mountain bikers haven't used before. 

Moreover, be sure to share your site content and a link to your website on other online platforms. Doing so lets you reach people that follow you on these places but haven't visited your website yet. But you ought to study which channels your audience uses more to tweak your content strategy. For instance, say that your target audience spends more time on social media instead of checking emails. You can focus more on creating and sharing content on the former instead of putting all your efforts into sending newsletters. 

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2.Use Quora

Another way to grow site traffic is to get on Quora, which gets over 500 million visitors monthly. There's a very good chance your target audience is here too. You don't have to spend money on making ads, though you have the option to. Instead, you could answer questions on the topics related to your brand. For example, a travel agency marketer can work on questions regarding tourist spots in cities they advertise. They can link back to a blog post related to the topic they're in. Someone browsing in that topic shows interest in traveling and is more likely to click on the link. 

Quora doesn't have business pages that sites like Facebook do, but your brand can be registered as a topic. You can filter questions that talk specifically or mention your business.  

The catch here is that you should give helpful and relevant answers while still linking back to your website instead of directly advertising your product or service. It helps you build your industry expert reputation without showing that you're just a business that wants to sell. 

Furthermore, make sure that your user profile includes your position and other credentials. It will make your profile look more trustworthy than just showing a name. 

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3. Blog on Medium

Medium is a popular blogging platform that lets you publish posts for free. Like on Quora, there's a very good chance that your target audience goes here too. The site had about 100 million visitors each month in 2019 alone. 

However, Medium takes quality assurance seriously, so you have to ensure your content's up to par with their standards. You could highlight your site's best content here and check the traffic and visitor statistics for those that perform well with Medium's readers. This lets you optimize your blog content to attract more visitors. But don't forget to provide a link in your posts to drive traffic back to your website. 

Besides posting, you can also engage with other Medium bloggers to generate more attention on your blog. For starters, you can comment on other relevant blogs. But do take care to provide real insights to show that you did read the article. Readers are more likely to notice it than a "Good post!," increasing the likelihood that they'll check your site out. 

Learn how to use Medium to publish viral blog posts and drive more traffic to your website. 

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4. Create Social News on Reddit

Reddit is a hugely popular social platform that looks like a message board. Here, niches have communities called subreddits, with around 52 million users or Redditors active every day. There's plenty of potential here for generating site traffic since your niche probably already has subreddits. 

You may share website posts and other brand-related news at no cost, but be careful with your self-promotion. Redditors generally don't like blatant marketing. If you do nothing but post links about your business, they can downvote your posts, decreasing your credibility. Worse, they can report you as a spammer to get you banned. They will take you more seriously if you show you're an active contributor with actions like:

  • Talking with other people
  • Joining other subreddits
  • Commenting and upvoting on other posts
  • Posting other valuable content besides your brand's

You could also start a subreddit as long as you don't use it only to promote your links. You can use the subreddit to interact with interested people and build relationships by letting them start discussions or submit other content. 

Learn how to harness the power of

social news on Reddit, and bring more traffic to your website.

Enroll now in one of the top courses on Reddit marketing!

5. Dominate Long-Tail Keywords

In SEO, long-tail keywords refer to longer and more detailed keywords that people use when searching for something specific. They have fewer search results than generic keywords, but this also means that fewer web pages are using that keyword. If there's too much competition with the shorter keywords in your niche, you can use relevant long-tail keywords to help users find your pages more easily. 

Let's say you run a site for a Los Angeles musical instrument repair shop. Broad keywords like "LA musical instrument repair" will be hard to rank high in. However, if you specialize in woodwind instruments, you could use long-tail keywords such as "Los Angeles woodwind mouthpiece repair" to narrow the search down. Since the site visitor was specifically looking for your service, the site traffic will also likely lead to the results you want, such as a sale.

You can use long-tail keyword finders to help search for keywords, rankings, and the terms your competition is using. If you're targeting locally, you can also search keyword usages based on location. 

Generating meaningful website traffic doesn't have to be expensive. With these free methods, you can drive more visitors and reach your marketing goals without breaking the bank. Don't hesitate to consult with a digital marketing expert about implementing these cost-friendly strategies.