5 Key Tips to Get Consistent Traffic from Quora

Quora is a popular Q&A website with over a million active users who ask all sorts of questions and search for the right answers. But over time, it has become one of the best platforms in generating quality traffic to websites—a necessity if you want yours to stand out from the crowd of competitors.

However, not everyone can achieve such a feat overnight. Driving long-term traffic to your site only becomes possible with results-driven actions, such as the ones below.

How to Drive Traffic to Your Website With Quora

1. Optimize your Quora profile.

Think of your Quora bio as a mini-resume—it’s a snapshot of who you are and what you can do. Having limited space should not restrict you; instead, leverage on it to inform potential site visitors. The tagline beside your name is customizable but only up to fifty characters. It’s also the most visible part whenever you post an answer.

If you want to promote your site, put the URL so readers can check it out. Some top Quora writers mention their niche right away, but you don’t have to do that when you’re still unsure. Consider running an A/B test to check which clicks more. Focus on a niche topic for a period, then choose another and do it with the same timeframe. Compare site traffic stats until you discover the perfect fit as your tagline.   

Here’s a quick tip for writing your profile—do it like the experts. Profiles of leading Quora writers often mix the following elements: an offer, proof of accomplishments, links to other works, and eye-catching imagery. It’s a landing page of sorts, so keep your bio interesting enough for others to visit your site.   

2. Find the right questions.

Generating traffic via Quora isn’t merely answering as many questions as possible—you have to work smart. The key is sifting through thousands of questions to find ones that best fit your target market. For starters, bookmark popular topics and follow thought leaders in your niche.

However, you should also take on a more systematic approach in searching for lead-generating questions. A query with potential traction may have one of these attributes:

  • A high ratio of followers to answers;
  • Many answers, but poorly written, lack any value, or simply bad;
  • An opportunity to evoke emotions; and  
  • Relevant to your niche, business, or offer.

For easier monitoring, create a spreadsheet including links, topics, and follower ratios. Revert to it whenever you’re ready to answer a few. You can also click “Answer Later” on quality questions where you can establish your authority. 

The fastest way to drive traffic is to answer questions with numerous followers—click on “View Stats and Log” to see the number of followers and views. Over time, you will receive similar or suggested questions in your profile based on previous activity.

Others advise against answering new questions as these may have low views, minimal traction, and few followers. But it doesn’t mean you should only focus on trending threads—steer clear of those already answered by industry gurus and companies as you may have nothing more valuable to add.

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3. Answer, but be engaging.

When you answer, remember that readers do not like an overtly promotional reply. Even if the general idea behind Quora is to promote your site or business, the platform bans accounts that aggressively market theirs without value-rich content. You can add a linkback, but only if it’s relevant to the topic and at least two-thirds down your post. Should you put a call-to-action, skip hard sell and click-bait strategies.

Top Quora writers understand what clicks with most people—an answer drawing on personal stories, humor, and advice. Readers want something relatable and, at the same time, informational. Before posting your reply, draft it first and see if it’s different from others. There’s no point answering if you don’t have anything to add.

Besides quality content, there are other ways to engage your audience. Include relevant imagery to drive home your point—the right image effectively depicts the message and pulls emotions. For instance, screenshots and infographics make it easier for readers to understand what’s written.

Lastly, incorporate a few styling tips in your post:

  • Keep your paragraphs concise for easier mobile reading.
  • Avoid filler words.
  • Use bold text to highlight essential information and key concepts.
  • Italicize questions for emphasis.

Mind all of these and continue putting it in practice until it becomes a habit. 

4. Take advantage of various tools at your disposal.

Web tools like Google Analytics and Moz can help you formulate a traffic-driving strategy. Learning how to use these saves you half the time in figuring out your next steps.

 For instance, Google Analytics offers valuable insights on your site’s traffic—which of your contents received the most views and engagement? Choose evergreen posts and use them as your starting point in searching for relevant keywords and topics on Quora. When you answer these questions, you can backlink to generate quality traffic.    

Moz focuses on search engine optimization. If you want your Quora posts to appear on top of search engine results, Moz provides hundreds of niche-related keywords you can use. You can widen or narrow down the list as needed. Moreover, each keyword has different metrics, allowing you which words to optimize for and incorporate in your answer.    

Here’s a nifty trick you can do with the Quora Ads Manager—you can use it to identify your potential audience. Create a shell campaign and choose between “Topic Targeting” and “Question Targeting” to find ones with high weekly views or gaining traction.

5. Reach out to leaders and like-minded fellows.   

Quora is not a social media platform, but it doesn’t mean you can forego forming connections with others. Who you know will give you the necessary boost in reputation and, eventually, traffic to your website.

For your post to be visible, it has to rank better than others. Ranking depends on multiple factors, such as content quality, the author’s previous answers, and whether they are subject experts. However, the number of votes also has an impact. To prevent it from being rigged, the voters’ trustworthiness has weight as well.

Upvotes from trusted Quora members will give your post more views. It also helps if you catch the attention of a thought leader or top player—if they tag you on their posts, it can generate quality traffic to your site.  

Once you have these basics down to a pat, Quora can be one of the primary sources of valuable traffic to your website.

5 Website Mistakes That Are Killing Your Traffic (And How to Fix Them)

These days, virtually every business needs an online presence to compete in their respective marketplace. One key tool for establishing an identity online is a website. You can use it to tell your story, publish blog posts, sell your goods and services, and build trust with customers, among other benefits.

Of course you'll need to implement a strategy for bringing targeted traffic to your site, but that's only half the battle. The other half is keeping your visitors on the site long enough to covert.

If after checking your analytics, you notice visitors are quickly turning away from your site like the plague, you're probably making one of the following mistakes. 

Are You Sabotaging Your Traffic Flow with These Mistakes?

1. Grammar & Spelling Issues

Grammatical errors may seem like a small sacrifice to make as long as you're consistently churning out content. However, in a study conducted by Global Lingo, 74 percent of those surveyed said they pay attention to the quality of a company's website content. To some extent, grammar and spelling mistakes can also translate to lost revenues—in the same survey, 59 percent said they would be reluctant to do business with a company whose site and marketing materials have apparent errors.  

Such niggling mistakes have a significant impact on your brand’s credibility. Poor spelling and grammar indicate a lack of professionalism—you failed to take the extra step in ensuring your work quality. Moreover, badly written content tends to be shared and linked less often because it sounds untrustworthy.

Fortunately, grammatical and typo errors are avoidable. Read the draft repeatedly to spot mistakes. Fatigue can sometimes happen, so ask someone else to go through it. Consider hiring an editor or having the write-up outsourced to a reliable company.

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2. Not Mobile-Friendly

If you have fewer site visitors than before, it could be that your website isn't mobile-friendly. As more people consume content on the go, it’s no surprise that most of them browse on their tablets and smartphones. When your website content looks jumbled and misaligned on smaller screens and loads slower on mobile devices, you are likely losing out to competitors.

Google recognizes the importance of optimizing your website for mobile viewing. In 2018, the search engine encouraged web page owners to be more mobile-friendly with mobile-first indexing when turning out search results. If you haven't do so yet, take time to assess the mobile version of your website

If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you can still fix it with a few tweaks. Google offers a short guide on building sites for mobile devices. One important tip is to opt for a responsive web design wherein site content adjusts whenever the screen size changes without changing the URL. Your web developer will know what to do, but if you don’t work with one, read up on CSS and Javascript and learn about Google’s AMP pages.

Make your site easier to navigate on phones and tablets with a mostly vertical layout, fewer drop-down menus, and bigger checkboxes, form fields, and links. Also, reduce elements that clutter the display and take up precious space, such as distracting sidebars and annoying pop-ups.

3. Your Site is Too Slow

Page load speeds have increasingly become an essential part of the user experience. Most people expect websites to load in a couple of seconds. According to Google, the average load time for mobile pages is seven seconds. But that's still slow, and the bounce rate, or the probability of viewers leaving, significantly increases the longer it takes to view a single page. Not only does this impact traffic, but it also cuts off conversion and potential sales. Retailers Amazon and Walmart noticed that millisecond-delays in loading translated to lost revenues. 

Loading times also affect the number of pages viewed—a key metric in e-commerce sites. Faster load speeds allow customers to view more pages and find something that may pique their interest, leading to future purchases.

If your page load speed isn’t quite up to par, you can still trim it to an acceptable pace. Set a target load time for every page and try to stick to it by compressing and optimizing all elements present. Also, consider switching to a content delivery network or CDN, a set of web servers that provide web content nearest to the end user’s location. This method ensures faster content delivery, thanks to numerous servers instead of one. Lastly, regularly monitor your page loading speed.

4. Poor Website Design

Another factor that affects your site’s traffic is its design. A website that doesn’t look well thought out makes your business look less credible. The first few seconds of browsing your site are crucial. If you fail to impress potential customers with a shoddily made site in that short window, they will look at other possible alternatives—your competitors.

So what makes a poorly designed website? A lot. Having too many elements on the page is not only cluttering, but it also slows down your loading speeds by a stretch. Different colors and varying fonts are visually unappealing and make it difficult for your visitors to stay and explore your website. Fortunately, you can find quality design themes in a pinch on the Internet.

But that doesn’t mean there should be plenty of negative space—the lack of clickable links, essential information, and a navigational menu also turns off visitors because of the disappointing user experience. A site without mobile optimization looks bad on smaller screens and loads slower, causing guests to abandon your page.

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5. Lack of Optimization

Search engine optimization or SEO is something familiar to most people but often misunderstood. It is a marketing strategy for improving your site’s visibility on search results using the right keywords and phrases. When someone searches for a particular topic, you want your website to be on top of the relevant results list, driving site traffic in the process.

Some web page owners do not know where to start with SEO. Fortunately, there are companies like Crazy Egg that help with the nitty-gritty of optimizing your website. But if you take on such an endeavor, remember three essential elements—keywords, content, and off-page signals.

Placing keywords in the title and header tags, meta descriptions, and the body content is one way of telling search engines of your page’s relevance to the searched topic. Long-tail and location-based keywords increase your chances of turning up on the results page. 

Having quality content ensures that your visitors will stay and engage. It is also a way for other sites to reference or link back to yours, boosting your credibility and authority in your niche.

Note that all five website mistakes are interconnected—when fixing one, be sure to pay attention to others as well.

A Brief Introduction to Quora

So, What Exactly is Quora?

You may have heard about or stumbled upon Quora while searching for answers to a question on the Internet. Simply put, Quora is a website where questions are asked and answered by its diverse community of users. 

While the platform works much different from social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, Quora aims to connect people through crowdsourcing with a question—no matter how mundane it may sound.

Founded in 2009 by two former Facebook employees, the site relies on its algorithms and policies to sort out a plethora of answers and questions. Users determine which answers are the most helpful or relevant by upvoting; the top answers are displayed first. 

Why You Should Use Quora

As a reader you can create a profile on Quora, but you neither have to answer questions nor pose them. You can use the platform simply to educate yourself on a particular topic or niche. 

If you're a writer, you can use your Quora account to ask and answer as many questions as you please. Quora has over 300 million monthly active users who submit between 3000 and 5000 questions per day. This makes the platform a goldmine for promoting your product or service.

Here's a list of reasons why you should add Quora to your marketing arsenal:

  • Generate traffic.
    Many digital marketers and business people use Quora to drive traffic to their website at virtually no cost. While you'll need to consistently post answers to the platform to reap the benefits, the pay off can be tremendous. It's not uncommon for site contributors to generate thousands of targeted vis
    itors to their websites in just a few weeks.
  • Build your expertise.
    By providing useful, quality answers on the site, you’re able to showcase your knowledge and establish yourself as an expert on select topics. Focus on a few subjects rather than giving general insights on several matters; choose quality over qua
  • Increase exposure.
    Since search engines like Google consider Quora an excellent source of content, results from the site are often displayed first in search results. If yours is among the top answers, it can be great for SEO, giving your website and content more visibility online. Some major publications like Forbes and Newsweek even feature highly-rated Quora answers, which can add au
    thority and credibility for your brand or blog.
  • Learn from others.
     Quora is full of established influencers and experienced writers. By joining the platform, you'll be able to follow and engage with them and learn a thing or two about matters outside your scope.
  • Engage with your audience.
    With millions of questions and answers posted on the site, Quora is one of the best sources for information on the internet. It’s likely that you’ll discover what clicks with or ticks off your customers by joining discussions and giving insight.  

If you want a free an effective way to bring traffic to your website and grow you business or brand, now is the perfect time to get started with Quora.

Learn how to use Quora to build authority in your niche and drive more traffic to your website.

Enroll now in one of the top courses on Quora marketing!

How to Set Up a Quora Profile That Brings the Most Traffic to Your Website

There are many benefits to including Quora in your strategy mix, one of which is driving quality, long-term traffic to your website. But before that can happen, you have to start by leaving a great first impression with your profile—potential site visitors want to see if you’re credible enough. Below are a few tips to make yours stand out.

1. Have a Killer Tagline

Whenever you post an answer, a tagline always appears after your name. Alternately known as the headline, it is a brief introduction of yourself. It is limited to 80 characters, so do your best to be creative and descriptive. One oft-used format lists all your roles and separates each with a vertical bar, but you can also go with a short phrase best describing your niche or specialization.

If you’re aiming for brand recognition, craft a catchy tagline and stick with it—it will be useful in generating and converting leads. Focusing on particular niches is tricky, and when you’re still undecided, run an A/B test to see which works best for you. Tread carefully with adding your website URL—some users find it distasteful, plus it’s not clickable.

2. Optimize Your Profile Summary

Those who visit your profile should see enough information about you to form a favorable opinion of you. A rookie mistake of many Quora users is an exceedingly short and bare bio. So if you want yours to work smart and generate site traffic, keep it optimized.  

There are no hard and fast rules in writing your profile summary, but here’s a tip—make it interesting for your readers. Most of Quora’s top writers do their bio like a site’s landing page, mentioning their expertise and experience in specific niches. Since people will want to validate your achievements, include social proof, such as links to published works and features.  

Add links to a few of your best posts on Quora and other similar platforms; not only does this promote your works, but it is also an opportunity to get more views and upvotes on previous answers. If you have none, embed the URLs to some of your site’s quality content and main social accounts. Unlike the tagline, every link you put here shows up as clickable.  

If you are offering something, say, an e-book, group, course, or free consultation, put it in your profile as well. It’s a way to show what value you can provide to readers.

Another way to draw your reader’s attention is to use rich formatting where applicable. Use bold fonts and italics to highlight key points, or switch to a bulleted list for easier reading. Others include imagery to break the monotony or insert a bit of humor to be more relatable to your target audience.

Lastly, always proofread what you’ve written; glaring grammatical errors and typos can make you look sloppy and less credible.

3. Tailor Tagline on Relevant Topics

Once your bio is complete, it’s time to add your core topics, appearing under “Knows About” and as a sidebar to your profile. Look for topics relevant to your interests; however, don’t be afraid to add some of those beyond business matters. No one on Quora will think it’s wrong to have a diverse range of interests. 

After choosing a topic, you can customize your tagline or bio according to it. While it’s best to stick to one headline for faster brand recognition, it may not always work in some cases. Highlight your expertise or qualification on a particular niche by tweaking the one-liner after your name. Whenever you answer relevant questions on that topic, your custom bio overrides the main one.   

4. Add Credentials & Highlights

Like a resume, your Quora profile should contain details other than your accomplishments. At the “Credentials & Highlights” panel on your sidebar, add information on your education, employment, and location.

Some Quora writers keep their profile summaries short and simple, focusing instead on filling out their accomplishments and skillset in the Credentials & Highlights section. The more information listed, the more professional your profile looks and the more connections you can form with others.

Sometimes, you will find others who go all out on their profile description and credentials. That’s not necessarily a bad move, so do whatever works for you.

5. Don’t Forget Your Profile Picture

Think of your Quora profile as a representation of your online presence. Without a photo, yours loses credibility. Certain readers may believe you lack the confidence to show your face and take responsibility for what you’ve written.

Create a traffic-generating Quora profile by adding the right photo of yourself. Whenever possible, opt for a professional headshot; otherwise, pick an image that best represents how you want readers to see you. For a more effective brand recognition and consistency, use the same photo in all your social accounts.

Setting up a winning Quora profile should be your first step to getting the most out of the platform. Failure to do so may put all your effort in answering many questions to waste if readers won’t take your word for it simply because of a bad, poorly written profile.

Learn how to use Quora to build authority in your niche and drive more traffic to your website.

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