5 Key Tips to Get Consistent Traffic from Quora

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Quora is a popular Q&A website with over a million active users who ask all sorts of questions and search for the right answers. But over time, it has become one of the best platforms in generating quality traffic to websites—a necessity if you want yours to stand out from the crowd of competitors.

However, not everyone can achieve such a feat overnight. Driving long-term traffic to your site only becomes possible with results-driven actions, such as the ones below.

How to Drive Traffic to Your Website With Quora

1. Optimize your Quora profile.

Think of your Quora bio as a mini-resume—it’s a snapshot of who you are and what you can do. Having limited space should not restrict you; instead, leverage on it to inform potential site visitors. The tagline beside your name is customizable but only up to fifty characters. It’s also the most visible part whenever you post an answer.

If you want to promote your site, put the URL so readers can check it out. Some top Quora writers mention their niche right away, but you don’t have to do that when you’re still unsure. Consider running an A/B test to check which clicks more. Focus on a niche topic for a period, then choose another and do it with the same timeframe. Compare site traffic stats until you discover the perfect fit as your tagline.   

Here’s a quick tip for writing your profile—do it like the experts. Profiles of leading Quora writers often mix the following elements: an offer, proof of accomplishments, links to other works, and eye-catching imagery. It’s a landing page of sorts, so keep your bio interesting enough for others to visit your site.   

2. Find the right questions.

Generating traffic via Quora isn’t merely answering as many questions as possible—you have to work smart. The key is sifting through thousands of questions to find ones that best fit your target market. For starters, bookmark popular topics and follow thought leaders in your niche.

However, you should also take on a more systematic approach in searching for lead-generating questions. A query with potential traction may have one of these attributes:

  • A high ratio of followers to answers;
  • Many answers, but poorly written, lack any value, or simply bad;
  • An opportunity to evoke emotions; and  
  • Relevant to your niche, business, or offer.

For easier monitoring, create a spreadsheet including links, topics, and follower ratios. Revert to it whenever you’re ready to answer a few. You can also click “Answer Later” on quality questions where you can establish your authority. 

The fastest way to drive traffic is to answer questions with numerous followers—click on “View Stats and Log” to see the number of followers and views. Over time, you will receive similar or suggested questions in your profile based on previous activity.

Others advise against answering new questions as these may have low views, minimal traction, and few followers. But it doesn’t mean you should only focus on trending threads—steer clear of those already answered by industry gurus and companies as you may have nothing more valuable to add.

Learn how to use Quora to build authority in your niche and drive more traffic to your website.

Enroll now in one of the top courses on Quora marketing!

3. Answer, but be engaging.

When you answer, remember that readers do not like an overtly promotional reply. Even if the general idea behind Quora is to promote your site or business, the platform bans accounts that aggressively market theirs without value-rich content. You can add a linkback, but only if it’s relevant to the topic and at least two-thirds down your post. Should you put a call-to-action, skip hard sell and click-bait strategies.

Top Quora writers understand what clicks with most people—an answer drawing on personal stories, humor, and advice. Readers want something relatable and, at the same time, informational. Before posting your reply, draft it first and see if it’s different from others. There’s no point answering if you don’t have anything to add.

Besides quality content, there are other ways to engage your audience. Include relevant imagery to drive home your point—the right image effectively depicts the message and pulls emotions. For instance, screenshots and infographics make it easier for readers to understand what’s written.

Lastly, incorporate a few styling tips in your post:

  • Keep your paragraphs concise for easier mobile reading.
  • Avoid filler words.
  • Use bold text to highlight essential information and key concepts.
  • Italicize questions for emphasis.

Mind all of these and continue putting it in practice until it becomes a habit. 

4. Take advantage of various tools at your disposal.

Web tools like Google Analytics and Moz can help you formulate a traffic-driving strategy. Learning how to use these saves you half the time in figuring out your next steps.

 For instance, Google Analytics offers valuable insights on your site’s traffic—which of your contents received the most views and engagement? Choose evergreen posts and use them as your starting point in searching for relevant keywords and topics on Quora. When you answer these questions, you can backlink to generate quality traffic.    

Moz focuses on search engine optimization. If you want your Quora posts to appear on top of search engine results, Moz provides hundreds of niche-related keywords you can use. You can widen or narrow down the list as needed. Moreover, each keyword has different metrics, allowing you which words to optimize for and incorporate in your answer.    

Here’s a nifty trick you can do with the Quora Ads Manager—you can use it to identify your potential audience. Create a shell campaign and choose between “Topic Targeting” and “Question Targeting” to find ones with high weekly views or gaining traction.

5. Reach out to leaders and like-minded fellows.   

Quora is not a social media platform, but it doesn’t mean you can forego forming connections with others. Who you know will give you the necessary boost in reputation and, eventually, traffic to your website.

For your post to be visible, it has to rank better than others. Ranking depends on multiple factors, such as content quality, the author’s previous answers, and whether they are subject experts. However, the number of votes also has an impact. To prevent it from being rigged, the voters’ trustworthiness has weight as well.

Upvotes from trusted Quora members will give your post more views. It also helps if you catch the attention of a thought leader or top player—if they tag you on their posts, it can generate quality traffic to your site.  

Once you have these basics down to a pat, Quora can be one of the primary sources of valuable traffic to your website.

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