5 Keys to Going Viral on Quora

Quora is a popular Q&A website. Digital marketers have discovered it as an excellent avenue for positioning a brand or company as a thought leader or industry expert. It’s not surprising that many have included Quora in their marketing strategy mix.  

If you want to build a following on the platform, understand that it won’t happen overnight. In an attempt to get quick results, some newbies make the mistake of trying to answer as many questions as possible within the shortest time on Quora. But, achieving massive growth—millions of answer views, thousands of upvotes, and hundreds of shares—is a combination of hard work and a few practical tips. Below are some to get you started.

5 Ways to Make Your Answers Go Viral on Quora

1. Find Your Niche

Quora thrives on well-written, carefully thought out answers. That’s a given. But if you want to go viral, you can’t achieve such a feat when you’re a Jack-of-all-trades. Instead, focus on your interests first to identify your target audience and cater to them.

When you answer questions that you are passionate about or interested in, the entire process becomes effortless. That’s because you enjoy writing about the subject, so the flow of thought is easier.

On the contrary, penning an answer for a topic you barely understand may not give you upvotes and views. Readers would rather skip yours and look for answers somewhere else. If you spend too much time researching for a response, you're probably not an expert on the topic.

Determine your niche or so-called sweet spot, which is the intersection of your passion and competency. Don’t worry if your areas of interest already have countless experts—there’s always room for one more. Moreover, you can improve or add to their answers with your actual experiences, life lessons, and unique insights.  

2. Choose Questions That Matter      

There are millions of questions on Quora and multiple variations of the same or similar inquiries. A quick keyword search may be overwhelming, especially if you don’t know where to begin.

Start by following popular topics, thought leaders, and like-minded individuals in your niche. Doing so allows you to have a gist of questions likely to gain traction or have a steady audience. It also lets you take a page out of other writers’ books.

Go through every question on your feed—clicking on it opens a new tab. Look at its number of followers and answers to see if it’s ripe for traction. A question with more followers vis-à-vis answers suggests that many Quora users are interested. They receive an alert when you reply, increasing the likelihood of views on your answer.

Skip new questions or ones with less than ten followers because of their low impact. Assess the top answers—do they appear poorly written or more promotional than helpful? You’re likely to gain views and upvotes if you contribute something of value to the discussion.

It also doesn’t hurt to pick questions already answered by highly followed Quora users or industry experts. When you post a response, make sure it isn’t merely a rehash of popular answers to gain a few views. A unique, well-written reply catches more attention and generate more traffic to your Quora profile and answers.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to write an answer right away. Instead, save the questions for another time by clicking on “Answer Later” to build a library of sorts. You can also organize them in a spreadsheet—include the URL, topic, and follower-to-answer ratio for faster monitoring.

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3. Create Interesting Content

Even on Quora, content is king, so always do your best to produce creative and interesting answers. Some of the platform’s best responses often have personal stories, different insights, life advice, and a touch of humor. Not only do they evoke powerful emotions relatable to the readers, but they also entertain.

Many Quora writers can attest to how talking about life experiences gives their response an edge over others. Some writers try to spark their readers’ imagination through storytelling, short dialogue, or colorful narrative. 

However, it doesn’t mean you should steer clear of technical topics—you might find it challenging to insert a touching anecdote to maintain your readers’ interest. It will also look out of place. What you can do instead is make your post easy to understand. If there’s a previous answer but it appears too difficult to digest, you can add a different take or simplify the topic with analogies.

Before crafting an answer, read the other replies to have a sense of what’s already written. Ask yourself if you can contribute something valuable to the thread, such as your experience or a fact they missed mentioning. 

4. Answer with Flair

Your great Quora answer won’t pick up steam if it looks hard to read. Generally, a paragraph with several long sentences tends to bore readers quickly. It doesn’t matter if it is highly informative; readers are likely to shy away from yours and move on to the next.

Here’s an essential tip—make your post easy on the eyes through formatting. Keep your paragraphs short by limiting them up to two sentences or four lines; anything longer makes it less mobile-friendly.

Many top-rated Quora answers often have one-sentence paragraphs—a wall of text is difficult to absorb in one go. Instead, divide your post into different subheadings. Create a bulleted or numbered list where applicable to keep yours engaging.   

Take advantage of bold fonts and italicizations to emphasize key concepts, takeaways, and essential information. It also pays to insert images to break up the monotony and grab the reader’s attention. Relevant photos, graphics, screenshots, and other imagery also make it easier to understand the topic. 

5. Keep on Writing

If you want your Quora answers to generate traffic, aim to write them in 300 words or more. Anything shorter hints at the lack of preparation or thought into crafting a reply. Readers tend to avoid such replies because they think there’s nothing valuable in these.

Push yourself to write long answers as often as possible, and publish at least one every day—it slowly builds your social footprint as well. You have to be diligent in producing content, even if there are uninspiring days. Moreover, constant writing hones the skills necessary for coming up with creative, interesting answers that drive traffic in the long run.

All of these tips will help you grow steadily on Quora—only if you practice them regularly. Bear in mind that being an overnight success on the platform is rare, and nothing trumps putting in the necessary work.

How to Get More Traffic with Guest Blogging

Guest blogging or posting is the practice of writing content for someone else's more popular blog. It's a tactic that can help you drive more traffic to your website since you can reach a larger audience that might not know you yet. Today, about 60 percent of blogs worldwide make between one to five guest blog posts every month to reap such benefits. Here are some ways that your guest posting can generate traffic to your site.

7 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website with Guest Posting

1. Choose the Blog Carefully

Firstly, you'll want to submit your guest posts to blogs that share the same industry or niches. It would also be preferable they're active online and have engaged followers. An active blog will promote your posts for you, and their readers will likely show more interest in your brand and visit your website because you're in the same niche. 

For instance, high-profile architecture firms can have their projects featured in architecture and interior design sites like Dezeen. The magazine has a worldwide social media following and shares guest posts on their channels, making it ideal if the architect or designer wants to generate global reach and traffic. 

Guest blog sites have different rules on submitting content. Some may only need you to give an idea and outline, while others require you to write everything yourself. In Dezeen, for example, you only need to submit high-quality images, text descriptions, and any relevant links -- such as your company website. If they like your project, they will write an article based on the given details.  

2. Learn from Existing Guest Posts 

Before submitting anything, you could first study the kind of content that works best with the blog's readership. What topics or formatting styles get the most clicks, likes, or shares? Do the posts use plenty of images? Are the bloggers writing for B2B or B2C audiences? Knowing these can give you ideas on what and how to write your guest posts to make the readers interested in what you've got to offer. 

3. Focus on Content, Not Self-Promotion

Driving website traffic may be your goal, but be careful with overpromoting your brand. It would be better to prioritize providing valuable content with your guest posts. A Moz study reveals that data-driven content is one of the two types that perform the best when considering backlinks and shares generated. It makes you more trustworthy to the blog's followers and gives you a reputation for giving useful advice or information. Eventually, the readers will also start going to your website for more blog posts and learn more about your products or services. 

But you can still place a call-to-action directing the reader to your site. For example, if you are promoting an ebook or case study related to your guest post topic, you could write something such as, "For more data on XX, you can check out my research on XX here." 

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4. Write Longer Posts if You Can

Generally speaking, longer articles get 77 percent more backlinks than short posts. Content that has over 2,000 words tends to rank higher in Google searches too. These all suggest that writing longer guest posts will help it perform better, thus driving more traffic to your website. But don't force yourself to increase the word count by adding too much unrelated content. Instead, stick to the given topic and only go into detail when needed. 

However, you still might want to check if the guest blog owner has any word count rules. While they probably won't accept articles that don't meet the limit, they might not like posts that are too long for their tastes. 

5. Start Commenting 

Although blog commenting isn't considered an effective link building strategy anymore, it can still help generate website traffic in other ways. Interesting guest posts are bound to get comments from readers and other guest bloggers. You can keep people engaged with your post by taking their feedback seriously and responding. It leaves a good impression on readers. They'll recommend you to others, which can bring more people to your site. 

You can also participate in other guest posts by answering polls or surveys and giving your insights on the topic. The guest blogger and their audience will grow more aware of you since you've become a regular in the comments section. If you plan on building relationships with other bloggers, initially interacting with them this way can help warm the ice. 

6. Invite Influencers to Collaborate with You

You can also invite known niche experts or other guest bloggers to work with you. For instance, they could write a guest post on your website blog, or you could write an article together. Doing so improves your website's credibility and lets you reach out to that expert's audience. The expert's influence can also increase your post views since many readers might come because they know the other writer. Now that they've discovered you, they'll want to know more and thus visit your website. 

7. Promote on Your Social Media Channels

With half the world using social media today, your audience likely follows you on these platforms too. Some might have never even been to your website before. Promoting your guest posts on your Facebook, LinkedIn, or other pages lets even more followers read your articles and get directed to your site. Of course, it's also important that you're already regularly engaging with them on social media. You'll garner more attention from them whenever you post. You may also share your guest posts on industry or niche social media groups to increase your reach and engagements. 

Writing guest posts can be challenging, especially since guest blogs can have strict quality standards regarding content. But if you play by their rules, provide engaging content, and build relationships with other bloggers, you can help grow your website's traffic. If you're struggling to create guest posts or even picking a guest blog, you can consult with a content marketing professional anytime. They can help plan, write, and approach the appropriate guest blog for your brand's needs.

How to Ramp Up Your Website Traffic with Reddit

If you are not familiar with Reddit, you might find it overwhelming and confusing at first glance. The truth is, you are not alone in thinking that it is one of the most perplexing and intimidating social networks you will come across on the Web today. Anyone new to Reddit might find it difficult initially to make sense of anything, much less post marketing content that won’t be met with disapproval. However, this social sharing website can open a whole new world of opportunities for your business or website, as long as you are prepared to understand how you can provide value to the community.

Reddit is a big online community where you can post pictures, text, and links, as well as find almost any information you need. Everyone can vote on posted content, and the best ones rise to the top. The more downvotes a content receives, the more it becomes less visible. While these may seem sufficient reasons for you to steer clear of Reddit, there is much to gain once you get the hang of it. 

An important fact you should be aware of is Reddit users around the world number by the millions. The official figures on the company’s website reveal that they have more than 430 million users worldwide and over 30 million views monthly. If these facts are not impressive enough, you might be interested to know that Reddit is one of the US's top visited sites today, with more than 2.5 million exiting subreddits. What this means for you is that there is so much potential for your site to get traffic once you learn the right way to build your presence. To get started, you first need to get a sense of what this online community is all about and understand how you can provide users with value.

What Exactly Is Reddit?

In 2005, Reddit founders Steve Huffman and Alexis Ohanian began working on the social news platform's idea and initial development. Over the years, the website has gained many exceptionally loyal Redditors—or registered users—who are brought together by similar interests and the enthusiasm to curate and discuss popular content on the Web. Links from other sites that users submit are always relevant to each particular community. When you post your own quality content, it has the potential to drive traffic to your site.

However, karma is something you should pay special attention to on Reddit. Take note that Redditors have the choice to upvote or downvote your submission, and keeping your downvotes to a minimum will earn you a high karma score. This can boost your Reddit credibility and make it easier to build trust within the communities. Submitting valuable content is one of the best ways to receive upvotes and increase your karma.


Collectively, subreddits are the niche communities that make up Reddit. A subreddit is focused on a specific topic and has its own rules, moderators, and coding systems. They are much like topic categories that always begin with /r/. Entering a subreddit out of nowhere can be tricky because moderators can ban you if you don’t follow the rules. That being said, it is imperative that you take the time to go through the guidelines and submissions before posting. You can also create your own subreddit if you meet specific criteria, but make sure your category is aligned with your business, and you can contribute something insightful and valuable.

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Reddit as Part of Your Marketing Strategy 

Using Reddit to increase traffic to your site may be more simple than you think. As long as people are interested enough in your content to click your links, then there really isn’t much more you need to do. Of course, if driving traffic were that easy, then everyone would have been doing it already. Incorporating Reddit into your marketing plan is only as effective as the effort you put into sharing quality content with the community.

Read the Guidelines

As previously mentioned, subreddits that you join should have something to do with your niche to make it easier to post authentic content. Reading the rules is a must before any post, regardless of your niche. Every subreddit has different rules, and violating them can result in the removal of your post or worse, your permanent ban. 

It can be a while before you can post anything, and it’s crucial to first get a sense of a particular subreddit’s content. For the most part, new accounts are generally distrusted, and posting in your chosen subreddit is the usual way to gain the trust of the users. Be very careful with jumping in and marketing your site because you will likely get downvotes almost immediately. Wait until you’ve earned some positive karma before mentioning your site. It would be a good idea to observe how others in the subreddit are posting links to their site successfully.      

Submit Value

After you have participated a bit and let Redditors become acquainted with your presence, you may want to show more of what you have to offer. You can submit content that you believe subreddits would find valuable, insightful, interesting, or amusing. Your submissions and link does not need to be your own because your ultimate goal should be content that people actually want to read. Besides, you run the risk of being banned if your posts qualify as spamming. In other words, don’t submit anything just for the sake of submitting—people easily get turned off by excessive self-promotion. 

Be Authentic

If you create subreddits, make them engaging, and post content that is distinctive and actionable. Make it a point to be active on your subreddits and offer comprehensive replies to comments. If you have a high user engagement, it’s easier to achieve a large following and turn them into brand advocates.

You might want to consider hosting an AMA (Ask Me Anything) where you start a post telling something about who you are and what you do. Redditors can then ask you related questions, much like in an interview. This can become the ideal opportunity for you to mention your site naturally and drive traffic. Redditors enjoy AMAs that provide interesting and detailed information, and you should take advantage of this chance to get a lot of buzz. 


While many website owners don’t see Reddit as a major driver of traffic, it may be worth your while to explore this source. Passionate Redditors who love your content on the community will likely love your content on your site. As long as you provide plenty of value, then it’s almost impossible to go wrong. 

5 Fast & Free Ways to Get More Traffic to Your Website

Creating more website traffic is a goal shared by many online marketers. It helps spread their brand to more people and bring in more customers. And if you're on a tight marketing budget, you might want to try a few cost-saving tactics to bring more visitors to your website. Take a look at a few free methods you can use to generate meaningful site traffic. 

5 Ways to Generate More Website Traffic for Free

1. Create Valuable Content

Content creation is a leading priority in digital marketing today, as the quality of your website's content affects how people view your brand. If you want to be known as an industry leader, you can make relevant and timely content for your market. People will more likely share them with others, further bringing more visitors to your site. 

As much as possible, try not to rehash topics and information that your audience probably already knows about. Instead, you can narrow your focus on areas in your field that you can provide deeper insights on. It helps your content stand out and be more memorable to people who haven't encountered anything like it yet. For instance, a mountain bike shop marketing their tires could give tips on rare tire combinations that mountain bikers haven't used before. 

Moreover, be sure to share your site content and a link to your website on other online platforms. Doing so lets you reach people that follow you on these places but haven't visited your website yet. But you ought to study which channels your audience uses more to tweak your content strategy. For instance, say that your target audience spends more time on social media instead of checking emails. You can focus more on creating and sharing content on the former instead of putting all your efforts into sending newsletters. 

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2.Use Quora

Another way to grow site traffic is to get on Quora, which gets over 500 million visitors monthly. There's a very good chance your target audience is here too. You don't have to spend money on making ads, though you have the option to. Instead, you could answer questions on the topics related to your brand. For example, a travel agency marketer can work on questions regarding tourist spots in cities they advertise. They can link back to a blog post related to the topic they're in. Someone browsing in that topic shows interest in traveling and is more likely to click on the link. 

Quora doesn't have business pages that sites like Facebook do, but your brand can be registered as a topic. You can filter questions that talk specifically or mention your business.  

The catch here is that you should give helpful and relevant answers while still linking back to your website instead of directly advertising your product or service. It helps you build your industry expert reputation without showing that you're just a business that wants to sell. 

Furthermore, make sure that your user profile includes your position and other credentials. It will make your profile look more trustworthy than just showing a name. 

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3. Blog on Medium

Medium is a popular blogging platform that lets you publish posts for free. Like on Quora, there's a very good chance that your target audience goes here too. The site had about 100 million visitors each month in 2019 alone. 

However, Medium takes quality assurance seriously, so you have to ensure your content's up to par with their standards. You could highlight your site's best content here and check the traffic and visitor statistics for those that perform well with Medium's readers. This lets you optimize your blog content to attract more visitors. But don't forget to provide a link in your posts to drive traffic back to your website. 

Besides posting, you can also engage with other Medium bloggers to generate more attention on your blog. For starters, you can comment on other relevant blogs. But do take care to provide real insights to show that you did read the article. Readers are more likely to notice it than a "Good post!," increasing the likelihood that they'll check your site out. 

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4. Create Social News on Reddit

Reddit is a hugely popular social platform that looks like a message board. Here, niches have communities called subreddits, with around 52 million users or Redditors active every day. There's plenty of potential here for generating site traffic since your niche probably already has subreddits. 

You may share website posts and other brand-related news at no cost, but be careful with your self-promotion. Redditors generally don't like blatant marketing. If you do nothing but post links about your business, they can downvote your posts, decreasing your credibility. Worse, they can report you as a spammer to get you banned. They will take you more seriously if you show you're an active contributor with actions like:

  • Talking with other people
  • Joining other subreddits
  • Commenting and upvoting on other posts
  • Posting other valuable content besides your brand's

You could also start a subreddit as long as you don't use it only to promote your links. You can use the subreddit to interact with interested people and build relationships by letting them start discussions or submit other content. 

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5. Dominate Long-Tail Keywords

In SEO, long-tail keywords refer to longer and more detailed keywords that people use when searching for something specific. They have fewer search results than generic keywords, but this also means that fewer web pages are using that keyword. If there's too much competition with the shorter keywords in your niche, you can use relevant long-tail keywords to help users find your pages more easily. 

Let's say you run a site for a Los Angeles musical instrument repair shop. Broad keywords like "LA musical instrument repair" will be hard to rank high in. However, if you specialize in woodwind instruments, you could use long-tail keywords such as "Los Angeles woodwind mouthpiece repair" to narrow the search down. Since the site visitor was specifically looking for your service, the site traffic will also likely lead to the results you want, such as a sale.

You can use long-tail keyword finders to help search for keywords, rankings, and the terms your competition is using. If you're targeting locally, you can also search keyword usages based on location. 

Generating meaningful website traffic doesn't have to be expensive. With these free methods, you can drive more visitors and reach your marketing goals without breaking the bank. Don't hesitate to consult with a digital marketing expert about implementing these cost-friendly strategies. 

5 Website Mistakes That Are Killing Your Traffic (And How to Fix Them)

These days, virtually every business needs an online presence to compete in their respective marketplace. One key tool for establishing an identity online is a website. You can use it to tell your story, publish blog posts, sell your goods and services, and build trust with customers, among other benefits.

Of course you'll need to implement a strategy for bringing targeted traffic to your site, but that's only half the battle. The other half is keeping your visitors on the site long enough to covert.

If after checking your analytics, you notice visitors are quickly turning away from your site like the plague, you're probably making one of the following mistakes. 

Are You Sabotaging Your Traffic Flow with These Mistakes?

1. Grammar & Spelling Issues

Grammatical errors may seem like a small sacrifice to make as long as you're consistently churning out content. However, in a study conducted by Global Lingo, 74 percent of those surveyed said they pay attention to the quality of a company's website content. To some extent, grammar and spelling mistakes can also translate to lost revenues—in the same survey, 59 percent said they would be reluctant to do business with a company whose site and marketing materials have apparent errors.  

Such niggling mistakes have a significant impact on your brand’s credibility. Poor spelling and grammar indicate a lack of professionalism—you failed to take the extra step in ensuring your work quality. Moreover, badly written content tends to be shared and linked less often because it sounds untrustworthy.

Fortunately, grammatical and typo errors are avoidable. Read the draft repeatedly to spot mistakes. Fatigue can sometimes happen, so ask someone else to go through it. Consider hiring an editor or having the write-up outsourced to a reliable company.

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2. Not Mobile-Friendly

If you have fewer site visitors than before, it could be that your website isn't mobile-friendly. As more people consume content on the go, it’s no surprise that most of them browse on their tablets and smartphones. When your website content looks jumbled and misaligned on smaller screens and loads slower on mobile devices, you are likely losing out to competitors.

Google recognizes the importance of optimizing your website for mobile viewing. In 2018, the search engine encouraged web page owners to be more mobile-friendly with mobile-first indexing when turning out search results. If you haven't do so yet, take time to assess the mobile version of your website

If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you can still fix it with a few tweaks. Google offers a short guide on building sites for mobile devices. One important tip is to opt for a responsive web design wherein site content adjusts whenever the screen size changes without changing the URL. Your web developer will know what to do, but if you don’t work with one, read up on CSS and Javascript and learn about Google’s AMP pages.

Make your site easier to navigate on phones and tablets with a mostly vertical layout, fewer drop-down menus, and bigger checkboxes, form fields, and links. Also, reduce elements that clutter the display and take up precious space, such as distracting sidebars and annoying pop-ups.

3. Your Site is Too Slow

Page load speeds have increasingly become an essential part of the user experience. Most people expect websites to load in a couple of seconds. According to Google, the average load time for mobile pages is seven seconds. But that's still slow, and the bounce rate, or the probability of viewers leaving, significantly increases the longer it takes to view a single page. Not only does this impact traffic, but it also cuts off conversion and potential sales. Retailers Amazon and Walmart noticed that millisecond-delays in loading translated to lost revenues. 

Loading times also affect the number of pages viewed—a key metric in e-commerce sites. Faster load speeds allow customers to view more pages and find something that may pique their interest, leading to future purchases.

If your page load speed isn’t quite up to par, you can still trim it to an acceptable pace. Set a target load time for every page and try to stick to it by compressing and optimizing all elements present. Also, consider switching to a content delivery network or CDN, a set of web servers that provide web content nearest to the end user’s location. This method ensures faster content delivery, thanks to numerous servers instead of one. Lastly, regularly monitor your page loading speed.

4. Poor Website Design

Another factor that affects your site’s traffic is its design. A website that doesn’t look well thought out makes your business look less credible. The first few seconds of browsing your site are crucial. If you fail to impress potential customers with a shoddily made site in that short window, they will look at other possible alternatives—your competitors.

So what makes a poorly designed website? A lot. Having too many elements on the page is not only cluttering, but it also slows down your loading speeds by a stretch. Different colors and varying fonts are visually unappealing and make it difficult for your visitors to stay and explore your website. Fortunately, you can find quality design themes in a pinch on the Internet.

But that doesn’t mean there should be plenty of negative space—the lack of clickable links, essential information, and a navigational menu also turns off visitors because of the disappointing user experience. A site without mobile optimization looks bad on smaller screens and loads slower, causing guests to abandon your page.

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5. Lack of Optimization

Search engine optimization or SEO is something familiar to most people but often misunderstood. It is a marketing strategy for improving your site’s visibility on search results using the right keywords and phrases. When someone searches for a particular topic, you want your website to be on top of the relevant results list, driving site traffic in the process.

Some web page owners do not know where to start with SEO. Fortunately, there are companies like Crazy Egg that help with the nitty-gritty of optimizing your website. But if you take on such an endeavor, remember three essential elements—keywords, content, and off-page signals.

Placing keywords in the title and header tags, meta descriptions, and the body content is one way of telling search engines of your page’s relevance to the searched topic. Long-tail and location-based keywords increase your chances of turning up on the results page. 

Having quality content ensures that your visitors will stay and engage. It is also a way for other sites to reference or link back to yours, boosting your credibility and authority in your niche.

Note that all five website mistakes are interconnected—when fixing one, be sure to pay attention to others as well.